
This type of mattress makes use of a product classifi ed as “ecological”; Waterlily™. The cellular structure of Waterlily™ enables the mattress to transpire, avoiding any retention of heat and humidity.
Depending on the person’s weight, the most suitable Waterlily™ support can be calibrated, thereby obtaining a customised mattress. Consequently, always indicate the user’s weight when buying the mattress.
It is available in fi xed and removable-cover versions.
The fi xed covering features “air-conditioning” of the padding by using wool on the winter side and cotton on the summer side. Alternatively, a “removable-cover” anti-mite version is available with
anti-allergenic fi bre fi lling (A, B and C). The removable-cover version features a further cotton jersey lining
to protect the inner structure of the mattress.

Suitable for all bases, including those with movement and tilting up to 40°.

1_ Waterlily™ monobloc (cm. 16 h.)

Height around cm. 18